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Running aRound the us

On October 9th, 2023, Cameron Balser embarked on an extraordinary 12,000-mile, self-supported run around the United States from Cleveland, OH. Motivated by a deep inner calling, Cameron believes in pursuing dreams that resonate from within, hoping to inspire others to chase their own aspirations. 


Cam's clockwise journey around the country, spanning from Fall 2023 to Summer 2024, hinges on his family and team, a touch of luck, and the kindness of supporters. To be part of this inspiring adventure, follow his progress through the tracker, support him via his store (all proceeds benefit Cam), and stay connected through his social media. Join us in witnessing and supporting this remarkable journey!

Where's Cam ?!?

After finishing 2nd in The Speed Project, Cam resumed his journey and is currently on his way up the California coast !

* Blue track is track built off of GPX files vs red which is tracking via an In Reach device. If there are parts of the track that contain red and blue, please follow blue


As of 04/19/2024


Miles Run: 7020*


Feet Climbed: 247,690ft


Days Out: 193

Days Run: 180

Rest Days: 13


Daily Mile Avg: 39


Pairs of Shoes: 20


States Visited: 26


Est. Calories Burned: 1,263,060 / 421lbs


Current State: California


Bearings Purchased: 46


*The device used to track Cam only plots his progress every 10 minutes, so what you see is likely less than actual.

CAM in the news

Cam's news coverage​


Here, we'll provide links to all the media engagements Cam has had throughout his journey.



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Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 8.49.18 PM.png

Track, follow and support cam

Here we've collected everything you could need or want to follow this labor of love. We've got live tracking links, official merchandise, social media accounts and more.


Social Media & Direct Donations





  • Instagram
  • Facebook
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